Friday, March 25, 2011

Tip #5: Pay For Dinner

O.k., being extremely old-fashioned when it comes to romance and courting (dating) a woman, I want to make tip/rule #5 thus: (this being for just the guys) No matter how financially strapped you may be, or no matter what the arrangement you may have made beforehand…if you go out to dinner with a woman (those in a homosexual relationship, you're on your own here...) you WILL pay for the entire meal!!! No questions asked. Point blank. End of story. Even though our precious Goth scene is more of a female dominant culture, and not for the sake of coming across as a male chauvinist pig, believing that if a man pays for dinner he is entitled to some sort of pay-back, preferably in the form of sexual favors. Hardly! I don’t care what the arrangement is (unless, maybe, if the dinner is your birthday gift or something), as a man, you shall always pay for dinner -- no going "dutch" either, that's PATHETIC! The only thing you shall expect in exchange is to be graced by her presence for the time being. Even though I can feel a bunch of women shaking their heads in disapproval, this practice of providing food actually stems back from the caveman days, on through the age of chivalry, and should remain so right up to today…period! And to those ladies that disagree with me: Come on…admit it…you like not having to pay for a meal. ;)


  1. I honestly disagree with you. Women get very tired of that sort "she's gracing you with her presence" nonsense. No woman can be that celestial all the time, nor would a woman with any self-awareness be comfortable with that much adoration. Also, saying that women should be comfortable with that idea because it dates back to the caveman/chivalry days, when women were treated like sexually repressed pieces of property whose value dropped the minute she did anything vaguely self interested or sexual, isn't really helping your argument.

  2. But, au contraire! Back in those days, the only weapon women possessed against men was seduction. While on the surface women were repressed indeed, but they also relied on being quite cunning. Now, while my post may seem a bit slanted, I am merely trying to bring back some core old fashioned values...had I said "men should pick and order the entire meal for her" (as it was once done), then I can see your point. Moreover, if you are truely in love with someone, they will forever be that celestial. =)


  3. Well, I just have to split hairs with you again and say that, while yes some women got along on their wits like Eleanor of Aquitaine, the vast majority of women lead restricted lives, in many cases literally bought and sold. I'm merely pointing out that as far as rhetoric goes, using the middle ages as support isn't going to get you very far. I too love old-fashioned things and have even voluntarily subjected myself to some very traditional gender roles, but I would never wish to live in such a world as it truly was. Yes, I might pine for corsets and lace and candles, but I also like making my own money and in turn spending on my lover. Where does your scenario leave women who want to buy dinner for the same reasons you described?

  4. Very interesting comments on here. I have to say that there are still women out there who think it is polite for a gentleman to pay for dinner no matter what the circumstances are. I consider it to be rude to man not to offer to buy me even a cup of coffee. It is almost like if he was saying that "you're not worth it" or "I'm not willing to invest in you" etc. It makes a very bad impression in my eyes at least. Glad to hear I'm not the only one with old-fashioned values.
